A groundbreaking research project, launched in India, Brazil, and Kenya, is set to investigate accessibility and inclusion for millions of people with vision, hearing, and other impairments by leveraging the capabilities of smartphones and mobile apps.

Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub) is an Academic Research and Practice Centre accelerating disability innovation for a more just world. Based at UCL (University College London) we are operational in 60 countries, with more than 70 partners. Since launching in 2016 we've reached more than 34 million people and are the World Health Organisations (WHO) first Global Collaborating Center on Assistive Technology.
Our Themes
Assistive Technology Changes Lives: an assessment of AT need and capacity in England. Research prepared by GDI Hub for the Disability Unit in the Cabinet Office His Majesty’s Government (HMG) - presenting findings from a Country Capacity Assessment of AT access in England.

UCL based Disability, Design & Innovation MSc
The first of it's kind, seeing design engineering meet global policy and the societal context of disability, this multidisciplinary programme takes theory into practice - harnessing academic excellence, innovative approaches and co-creation to tackle global challenges from a new perspective.

Our UK aid funded AT2030 programme tests ‘what works’ to improve access to life-changing Assistive Technology (AT) for all
Supporting start-up solutions alongside market and ecosystem interventions, with new knowledge and research providing the foundations for advancements. For the first time, private capital will support an ambitious scaling pathway for high-potential growth-ready accessible and assistive technology ventures, through the AT Growth Fund - which will transcend a new frontier for venture capital and commercial lending in AT.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) first Global Collaborating Centre for Research on Assistive Technology
Our UCL based Collaborating Centre supports WHO’s efforts to widen global access to Assistive Technology around humanitarian response, driving advances in digital technology and artificial intelligence, and working to develop and implement a One-Stop-Shop Model of Assistive Product service provision.